For comprehensive product information, kindly send your inquiries via email to CRS@powerwaveglobal.com. 

Network Management Services

Keep your wireless networks operating at peak efficiency and productivity. Powerwave Services provides the services and know-how to ensure maximum uptime and user satisfaction. These services range from proactive maintenance to network monitoring to rapid response repair teams for emergencies. In addition, Powerwave Services provides on-site, telephone and email support to assist your internal personnel with technical issues.

Preventative Maintenance

Our Services team offers multiple preventative maintenance options and Service Level Agreements as part of our optional support programs. We inspect network equipment for physical damage and also visually inspect cables, connections, grounding and antenna azimuth direction. We confirm internal power supplies are operating properly, ensure the correct power is being supplied to equipment and compare system levels against baseline data

Remote Monitoring Services

Powerwave Services offers Remote System Monitoring through its Network Operations Center (NOC), proactively monitoring all active components of your system 24/7.

Netway Vision - NOC Integration Services

Our Services group offers consulting and implementation services to support the cohesive integration of NetWay Vision software into your Network Operating Center, processes and IT infrastructure. NetWay Vision is a network management platform that works with most Powerwave products and has been designed to provide network management capabilities for third party products.

On-site Technical Assistance

Powerwave Services has a dedicated team of field engineers standing by ready to provide on-site technical assistance for any situation, including emergencies. If you choose a Powerwave extended maintenance plan, our Services group will guarantee on-site arrival times and system restoration times in the event of an outage. For routine maintenance or system checks, Powerwave Services engineers are also available for on-site service. These routine service calls can be included as part of an optional maintenance plan or are available on a time and material basis.

Hardware Repair Services

Should a module or other piece of hardware require repair, Powerwave’s factory trained technicians have the skills and materials to return the unit to top operating condition.